Jeremy had many successful years with his current employer.  As a Financial Analyst lead person on his team, his supervisors came to him first when they needed to get something done.  Unfortunately, there was no opportunity for further growth for Jeremy with the company. The work had become predictable. He sensed it was time to try to find a new job in order to continue to advance his career, find new challenges and to increase his compensation.

He started looking casually, but could not find the right opportunity. He basically had given up because the birth of his second child was approaching and he figured he needed to stay put for a while. That is when I  contacted him with a LinkedIn message. He was intrigued about the job opportunity described and messaged back. We decided it was worth his time to meet and picked a date. We spoke with him in more detail about his background and the opportunity and felt it was a good match. Within a week we set up an interview and he received a job offer for more money than he thought that he would obtain in making a move.

He has since resigned his position and joined the new company. He feels freshly challenged, is excited about the opportunity for growth, and is enjoying his new responsibilities.


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