Don’t make the mistake of becoming too complacent during your job search. Although they might seem like the most convenient option, job boards can be outdated and simply unreliable. Traditional networking is much more effective. One of the best resources for networking happens to be a recruiting firm. So, If you’re having difficulty getting interviews on your job search, then it may be a good time to work with a recruiter to advance your accounting career.

You Have Nothing to Lose

There are several advantages to working with a recruiter even if you’re not proactively searching for new opportunities. Not only does a tenured recruiter interact with hiring managers on a regular basis, but you’ll also be able to find out what you’re worth in the current marketplace. Having a clear understanding of your current value in terms of salary within the accounting industry can help you get to the next stage of your career. A recruiter can also let you know just how many job openings there are right now in your profession. They have access to job opportunities that aren’t publicly listed.

A Professional on Your Side

Having a relationship with a recruiter is like having a good attorney or real estate agent to call on when needed. It’s wise to have a good rapport with a recruiter in your expertise area even if you’re just looking for advice or guidance. Working with a recruiter will save you time when you are ready to make a move, since you have already established communication and they know what you’re looking for. When it comes to preparing for an interview, they can help guide you through questions that will likely be asked and can help you to prepare for answering them effectively.

Questions to Ask

Before engaging with a recruiter, you should start by asking a few questions to get a better understanding of their experience and what they can offer. Here are some suggested questions to ask:

  1. Inquire whether or not the employer is responsible for the fee.
  2. Ask how long they’ve been in business. If you want to receive effective guidance, then you should choose a recruiter who has been in business for a while. On the other hand, a newer recruiter may be able to give you more attention (and still get guidance from more tenured recruiters in the firm when needed). You will be able to determine what fits you best.
  3. Inquire whether or not your resume will be kept confidential. A good recruiter should ensure that your resume is only delivered to potential employers after you have given your permission to do so.
  4. Ask why you should work with them versus one of their competitors. They should be able to provide you with a list of testimonials from previous candidates to prove their success.
  5. Ask associates, mentors and professional friends who are good recruiters in your marketplace.

Finally, it’s just as important to remember that not all recruiters are created equally. Unfortunately, there are some headhunters who only care about getting to the finish line first. If they show you a position before knowing what kind of job you’re looking for, then you should proceed with caution because they are just trying to sell you on a position vs. making sure that the job makes sense for you.

How can we help you?

Are you ready for a new opportunity in finance, audit, tax, or accounting?

At Accounting Career Consultants, we provide direct-hire, consulting, and temporary placement services. We have a high success rate in placing great talent. Contact us to talk about how we can help you find your next great opportunity.

Are you ready to grow your finance, audit, tax, or accounting team?

Contact us to create a strategic recruiting plan and fill your next Senior Accountant job or Financial Analyst job in the St. Louis area.


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